Welcome to Yashpal Kumar & Co.


Assistance in evaluating and implementing Corporate restructuring for companies through Amalgamation/Merger, Demerger and Slump Sale of business.
Investment into India - Tax and regulatory advisory.
We advise companies who are looking at investing into India in terms of the following :

  • • Permissibility of investing into India, under the existing regulations of the Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Investment promotion Board and other regulations, given the existing and     proposed business operations of the company;
  • • Joint Venture Structuring
  • • Evaluating alternate modes of setting up a presence in India, i.e through companies, branch office, project office, limited liability partnership and other modes and relevant     guidelines applicable to each of such mode of setting up business in India.
  • • Tax implications associated on each of the form of setting up a presence in India, both at the time of set up of business, ongoing basis, and on repatriation of funds;
  • • Tax implications on various group transaction in India, both from a permissibility and tax perspective;